Have You Missed This...?
“Which Of These 5 Cash Creating
Website 'Coding' Secrets
Have You Overlooked...?”
Website Coding Expert Frank Bauer Reveals
5 Industry Insider Secrets In The
Free Report Below...
ill your website CRASH? Will your online business become totally unworkable just when you start making some real money?
Are you throwing away thousands of dollars every month right now by ignoring 5 simple website coding secrets I reveal below?
Keep reading as I reveal the insider secrets I discovered writing website code for some of the world's leading online marketers.
Let's start with secret number...
1. Use An Autoresponder To Follow Up With
Your Prospects And Customers...
Autoresponders automatically send out emails to your prospects.
This is vital if you want a highly profitable online
business because most prospects won't buy off you till AFTER the 5th or
6th contact.
By sending using an autoresponder to send emails
with high quality information you radically increase the chances that
you'll make a sale.
You also build rapport and trust with your prospects
and customers and with a well designed email marketing campaign you can
sell to them over and over...all on autopilot...
How powerful is this...? Keep reading and discover...
How You Can Get Cash On Demand...
The first day you start using your autoresponder you build the most valuable asset online...an email list of prospects.
The biggest secret of successful online business owners is they have
build huge lists they can email any time they want creating a flood of
sales instantly.
And you can do the same just by capturing the names and email addresses of prospects who come to your website or buy from you.
Your autoresponder will keep all those details for you without you ever lifting a finger.
And you can send an email promotion to your list any time you want in
just minutes...even if you have a list of 10,000 prospects!
Imagine it.
You want to buy a new car so you send an email to your list promoting a
high quality product you have...or even an affiliate product and in
minutes the money starts coming in.
With just one day's sales you go down to the car dealership and pay cash.
But before you start sending out those emails you'll need a way to allow your prospects to pay you...
2. Use A Shopping Cart System...
Did you know if you're delivering online downloads
your download page could be exposed to the world losing you thousands
of dollars and annoying the honest people who pay good money for your
You could also be losing sales simply by not offering enough payment options.
Offering to take Paypal, 2Checkout, cash, check,
wire transfers and other payment methods can give a massive boost to
your sales.
What you need to protect your download pages AND take multiple payment methods is a powerful shopping cart.
Add2it E-Shop Pro automatially sends your buyers IP secured, expiring download pages.
They have time to download their products but the
page is only there temporarily so no one can post your download links
and let others steal your products without paying.
E-Shop Pro also gives your customers as many or as
few payment options as you choose including your choice of 2Checkout,
Paypal, iPayment, wire transfer, cash check, money transfer, COD and
billed orders.
Best of all it does it all on auto pilot. You don't have to lift a finger!
And here's another way you can put your online business on auto pilot....
3. Use The "ReferThem" Pro Script To Transform Ordinary Websites Into Viral Machines...
cut and paste some simple code and EVERY visitor to your site can
immediately email their friends telling them to take a look at your
You can even have an email prewritten with your chosen message for maximum impact.
Imagine the viral effect of having visitor after visitor sending their
friends and associates to your hottest web pages, opt-in pages and
sales letters.
It's like doubling a penny. Before long one simple script
can create an ever growing flood of high quality, highly targeted
traffic for you.
And here's a secret you can steal from the leading online marketers
to multiply your sales and conversions from all those web pages...
4. Track And Split Test Everything...
Simple, minor changes to your website can make massive increases to your conversions and sales.
Let me give you some examples...
- Changing
just one line on one of my sales pages increased my conversions by a
whopping 97.72%. That's nearly DOUBLE the sales from changing just a
few words...
- Adding
a caption to the photo of one of my clients increased their optins by
71.81%. Imagine getting nearly twice the number of subscribers by
adding a few carefully chosen words under a photo on your optin page...
- Just
changing headlines has increased sales on numerous websites from 100%
to 400% or more. That's 2-5 times the sales just from changing a headline...
You can cash in online by making some
carefully chosen changes to the pages of your website BUT...
You won't know which changes are making you more
sales or more conversions unless your split testing and tracking.
Fortunately split testing and tracking on your
websites, pay per click ads and MORE is a BREEZE with your Add2it Go-To
Enterprise script.
You can even use this script to create professional redirecting links.
Finally if you want an internet business that makes
you money month in and month out without becoming a time sucking
monster you need to real this last secret...
5. Use Feedback Forms Or
You'll Be Flooded With Spam...
When I first stated my online business I was getting 15 or 20 spam emails a day.
Then my traffic began to grow.
By the time I was making a modest living I was up to
over 500 spam emails day. But the nightmare got even worse.
When I really worked out how to get real traffic to
my site I started getting 1,000, 2,000 and 3,000 or more spam emails
every day.
When I Opened My Inbox And Saw
5,483 New Emails For The day
I KNEW I Had To Do
Something FAST...
With that kind of spam you have no way of managing your email.
You'll waste hours every day searching for
legitimate emails from hot prospects or real, paying clients with real
issues you need to deal with fast or you'll end up with a flood of
refund requests.
You can slash down the spam by using feedback forms
on your site instead of giving spammers easy access to your email
That's why I created WebForms Pro...a powerful
script that gives you feedback forms for your site and protects you
from the spammers by keeping your email a secret.
Just minutes from now you can have WebForms Pro
working for you on your site giving your eager prospects safe, direct
contact with you...helping you to turn those prospects into buyers.
I've shown you five different scripts that are vital
for your website and now I'm giving you a chance to get them all at a
fraction of the regular price...
Here Are The Five Add2it Software Scripts
I'm Giving You...
1. |
The top of the line autoresponder follow-up and mailing list management system, Add2it MailResponder Pro. $97.00 Value |
Automatically email prospects without paying monthly fees
This powerful autoresponder script makes it easier AND
cheaper than ever before to capture email addresses and send them emails automatically. All without monthly fees.. |
Publish a newsletter or keep in touch with a group on auto pilot...
With this powerful autoresponder software you can send a newsletter or any message to 1,000 or 100,000 people with just a
click of your mouse. And again it's free!
Why pay $20 to $50 a month for an autoresponder when you can use this powerful script completely free? |
2. |
The top notch link and ad tracking system Add2it Go-To Enterprise.
Value $97.00 |
Track your ads with precision...
Automatically generate
ad links, track their responses and compare their results. Improve your
ad campaign now by identifying which ads work and which ads don't. Also
employ the powerful split-testing feature to find the
best selling ad copy for your site. |
3. |
The extremely flexible payment processing and shopping cart system
Add2it E-Shop Pro. Value $97.00 |
Charge customers and safely deliver your e-product while preventing online theft
Add2it E-Shop Pro is the exact same software script used to process orders at Add2it.com,
Add2you.com, ProgShop.com and many other leading online sites. It gives you the
freedom to sell any combination of your products and
services while protecting your products from cyber-thieves. |
This payment processing and shopping cart software script allows the
following payment methods: 2Checkout, PayPal, iPayment, remittance
(wire transfer), cash, check, money transfer, COD and billed orders.
Electronically deliverable products are delivered with secur time
expiring download links. You even have the option of recurring
orders through 2Checkout and PayPal.
4. |
Turn your site into a viral machine with Add2it ReferThem Pro.
Value $37.00 |
Get a flood of new visitors from the people on your site now...
Add2it ReferThem Pro
allows your visitors to e-mail and notify associates or friends about
your website. Together with Add2itMailResponder Pro
it even builds you a mailing list of referrers as well as
referred visitors. Install this simple script and you can start your viral machine in minutes. |
5. |
The safe and secure way of letting your visitors contact you Add2it WebForms Pro. Value $37.00 |
Instant feedback from your site visitors without getting buried in SPAM?
Add2it WebForms Pro makes it easier AND safer than
ever before to get feedback from your site visitors. It protects you
from SPAM by keeping your email address secret.
Together with Add2it MailResponder Pro you can build a mailing list of site visitors who use
your forms, create name squeeze pages and online surveys. |
you act right now I'll give you all five scripts...each designed to
turn your website into an online powerhouse.
This is what leading online marketer Mike Filsaime said about this package...

Listen to Mike
with AudioGenerator |
"Fantastic value!!"
"Stop Looking!
The scripts here are what every webmaster needs to run an effective
professional site in today's market. Autoresponders, and Tell-A-Friend
scripts. Ad Tracking and more. Take the whole package you won't be
sorry. And with Franks great personal support, you can have them up and
running in a snap. Fantastic value!!"
- Mike Filsaime, Professional Online Marketer of MikeFilsaime.com |
And highly respected online marketing pioneer Mark Joyner says these are...
"Amazing scripts..."
"Amazing scripts at an amazing value. Look no further!"
- Mark Joyner, #1 Best-Selling Author of MindControlMarketing.com |
Best of all if you act immediately you can claim your script package for just $117...
That's A Total Of $365 In Value
For Just $117 But Only If You're One Of
The Next 20 Buyers
I can only afford to give away my best scripts at
this bargain price to a few lucky people who are quick enough to act
Even better if you choose it I'll throw in full
installation of every script from me or one of my highly trained staff
(normally a $185 service) for an extra $50... that's 70% off!
And your order will be covered with my unconditional...

Frank Bauer's Guarantee
100% "Better-than-risk-free" Guarantee:
If you are not positively thrilled with the incredible features each
and every one of the Add2it scripts has for you will get 100% of your money back with no questions asked.
You have a full 56 days to test every script. Either you like it - keep it and profit from
it or you get your money back and I'll even let you keep over $2,350.95 in special bonus
offers (see below). You can only win! |
Remember you must act NOW to join the next 20 people
who claim this 100% guaranteed software script package at the
early bird bargain price. I'd hate to see you miss out...
Yours sincerely,

Frank Bauer
Website Coding Consultant
Director of Add2it.com Marketing Pty Ltd
Founder of Complete-Pro.com
P.S. If you act right now I'll give you this...
$2,134.95 Amazing Bonus Offer:
That's right! Order immediately and I'll give you these valuable bonuses worth a total value of $2,134.95 completely FREE...
Special Fast Action Bonus # 1 |
$194.00 value: Membership Site Manager Software + How to Start Your Own Highly Profitable Internet Membership Web Site ebook

My bonus for all customers:
Earning from the Internet's Hottest Trend! Learn in real language how
to create your own highly successful membership site! And get started
on the path to earning real money at last. Build your own highly
successful membership site, with step-by-step instructions that are
virtually foolproof and to get you started even quicker I also include
a complete membership site manager software! |
Setup and start earning! |
Special Fast Action Bonus # 2 |
"Master Resell Rights to 6 High Quality Products"
Sell These Products and Make 100% of the profits to yourself!
As a special way of saying "Thanks for becoming a customer", we'd also like to offer you 6 complete Master Resell Rights products.
So here are the products you'll receive today...
Master Resell Rights Product #1:
'List Building Profits' - Includes Ebook and Videos.
Join The Ranks Of The Wealthiest List Building Moguls Who Know Exactly How To Generate Massive Email Lists Of Targeted, Hungry Buyers!
Included Over one hour Videos. The entire video series is presented using an easy step-by-step process that anyone can follow.
Valued at $97.00. Yours FREE! |
Master Resell Rights Product #2:
'List Building From Scratch' Ebook
How Would You Like The Thought of Having Your Very Own List of Hungry Subscribers You Can Mail Out To Anytime You Want?...
Valued at $97.00. Yours FREE! |
Master Resell Rights Product #3:
'List Exploding Squeeze Page Secrets' Ebook
Even if you’ve never put a squeeze page together before or are struggling with your current squeeze page, don’t worry because this little guide will show you all you need to know to make a killer squeeze page and get traffic to it!
Valued at $97.00. Yours FREE! |
Master Resell Rights Product #4:
'Squeezepages For Newbies'
"The Money is in the List". But did you know that one of the most effective methods in list building you should master your skills on is creating your own Squeeze Page?
This simple 18 page guide shows you how to create your very own Squeeze Page and takes you behind the simple yet ingeniously designed system to online riches as used by some of the leading Internet Marketers and Direct Response entrepreneurs in the world!
Valued at $97.00. Yours FREE! |
Master Resell Rights Product #5:
'Viral List Building Video Series'
This step by step 6 part video series that takes you by the hand and shows you how to get others to build a list for you, happily. What, that's crazy talk! Yes, I'm serious.
Here's a list of this 6 part video series in more detail:
1. Introduction
2. Two types of lists: How to get others to build your list for you, how it all works.
3. Methods that will help you boost your list growth
4. What should you give away?
5. How to create your viral product and how you should create it
6. Marketing it and finding people to build your list.
Valued at $97.00. Yours FREE! |
Master Resell Rights Product #6:
'Build Perfect Mailing List'
It can be difficult to build a permission based mailing list.
With the overwhelming amount of traffic on the Internet, it is hard to know just how to develop a solid mailing list without resorting to purchasing one.
Valued at $97.00. Yours FREE! |
Inside Each Master Resell Rights Package You'll Get:
Master Resell Rights so you can resell it and make 100% of the profits straight to your account.
A ready-made sales page to sell this product.
A ready-made squeeze page so you can build your list.
Professionally designed web page and product graphics.
Benefits of these bonus Master Resell Rights products:
- Just as an example, when you have just one of these products selling online and sell just 30 copies at $10 each that's $300* you make for the month.
When you have TWO of these products online and sell 30 copies for each product that's 60 sales - $10 x 60 copies = $600 a month*.
Now check out what happens when you have ALL SEVEN of these products selling online...
When you have all SIX products for sale and you sell 30 of each for $10, that's $10 x 180 copies. You'd make $1,800 a month*.
- Save time and money! The product's already been created for you. Simply put edit the sales page or squeeze page with your order link/autoresponder code and you're ready to sell or build your list.
Grand Total Value of This Bonus: $582.00 |
* Results aren't typical. There's no guarantee you'll make money at all.
Results are based on the person's effort and dedicated. |
Special Fast Action Bonus # 3 |
$197.00 value: Instant Cash Magnet advertising package Membership with 250 rotations

Brought to you by Jane Mark & Phil Basten of JPEadvertising.com |
Get your offers noticed on thousands of websites and earn instant
cash at the same time with the Instant Cash Magnet Viral Advertising
To succeed online you need traffic, you need sales. you need to
Spider YOUR site all over the net. Get caught in the Web of Viral
Advertising and start making money the way the experts do. Light up the
search engines... Make Google scream for mercy...Switch on your PayPal
accounts. |
You will get the Instant Cash Magnet advertising package Membership
250 rotations valued at $197.00 as a bonus for ordering this
package! |
Special Fast Action Bonus # 4 |
$47.00 value: Add2it LeadsMailer Pro Software
Add2it LeadsMailer Pro is the easiest way to email your leads today!
No scripts to install on a web server, no monthly fees to pay, no complicated software to use.
If you know how to use Outlook to send an email to your mom, then
you can easily use this software to send thousands of personalized
emails to your leads today! |
For Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP. |
Click Here NOW To Download
Your Complete Pro Software Scripts Bundle
Special Fast Action Bonus # 5 |
$97.00 value: SureFireWealth.com Free One Year Silver Member Registration
Brought to you by Jeremy Gislason of SureFireWealth.com

SureFire Wealth:
Get Instant
Access to Download a Hot Selection of the Newest Ebooks, Software,
Videos Templates and Niche Products with Resell and Master Resell
Rights Available For 2025 ! |
Plus, Discover the Best Resources, Get RSS Feeds, Read Articles, Add
Content to Your Website and Submit Your Own Articles. |
Click Here NOW To Download
Your Complete Pro Software Scripts Bundle
BONUS #7 -- $67.00 value: Promo Buddy Database!
"Add2it Promo Buddy
Internet Marketing Database"
provided by Frank Bauer
product is perfect for people who have problems getting their marketing
data organized. Promo Buddy has 36 different databases included which will save your data such as for your ads, logins,
affiliate details (e.g. affiliate links), website details, bookmarks,
ebooks, contacts etc.
You can also create your own database!
Frank has added one database which allows you to create your own field
descriptions and then add any kind of data into the fields you want...
So if there's a database missing which you need, just create your OWN! |
Special Fast Action Bonus # 6 |
$57.00 value: Insider Secrets to Email Marketing eBook
resource shows you how to increase your traffic, generate leads, and
make more sales online along with the automated tools to insure your
150+ page manual with hundreds of email marketing and Internet
marketing secrets. You will discover a proven system to generate more
web traffic and sales no matter what type of business you are in. Best
of all, our proven strategies are so simple even a child could use
them. |
As a matter of fact, if you know how to use email,
you have
everything you need
to start using our system tomorrow! |
Click Here NOW To Download
Your Complete Pro Software Scripts Bundle
Special Fast Action Bonus # 7 |
$27.00 value: Add2it Notes Pro Software
Get this cool tool to jot down your notes and get organized immediately!
It's like the yellow paper version with a bunch of features, that the original version doesn't have...
Add2it Notes Pro is a program that puts little notes on your
desktop. You can create infinite notes, change color and aspect of
every note, save and print it.
You can change everything in the notes, like colors, font, title and other.
You can also move and resize notes. |
For Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP. |
Click Here NOW To Download
Your Complete Pro Software Scripts Bundle
P.P.S. Here's some more feeback from clients thrilled with this amazing software package...
"Excellent package..."
package you have put together Frank! You have included just about every
feature needed for a small business to set up a powerful follow-up
system that captures leads and makes more sales."
- Jonathan Mizel, CEO of CyberWaveMedia.com |
"...most impressed with the quality, service and reasonable prices at Add2it.com."
"I am most
impressed with the quality, service and reasonable prices at
Add2it.com. Frank is a sharp guy with the rare ability to blend
technical "stuff" with marketing "smarts". Great deal!"
- Randy Charach, Publisher of RandyReport.com |
"Amazing scripts..."
"Amazing scripts at an amazing value. Look no further!"
- Mark Joyner, #1 Best-Selling Author of MindControlMarketing.com |

Listen to Mike
with AudioGenerator |
"Fantastic value!!"
"Stop Looking!
The scripts here are what every webmaster needs to run an effective
professional site in today's market. Autoresponders, and Tell-A-Friend
scripts. Ad Tracking and more. Take the whole package you won't be
sorry. And with Franks great personal support, you can have them up and
running in a snap. Fantastic value!!"
- Mike Filsaime, Professional Online Marketer of MikeFilsaime.com |
"...outstanding product line and unbeatable customer support."
"Thanks for the
wonderful, prompt and courteous service! You've got an outstanding
product line and you top it off with unbeatable customer support.
That's a winning combination if I've ever seen it!"
- Malacka, Webmaster of Writersnest.com |

"Value for money scripts"
"Your package is indeed a total solution
for anyone who wants to run an online business. I am very impressed for
the value that it delivers beyond expectation."
- Edward Han, Webmaster of Yain.com |

"I am impressed and recommend this guy..."
"Twelve days ago, I bought a script from
a well known guru on the Internet paying almost $300.00. The
sales page said that the money paid included a non-refundable 'set up'
fee. I then discovered a 'set up' fee did not include the
installation. I struggled attempting to follow the installation
instructions and asked for help on a number of occasions. Each
reply was total gobble-de-gook and made no sense
what-so-ever. I still have not got it up and running after
12 days.
Frank, on the other hand, has been totally professional and helpful in
every way. The programs I bought are now up and running after
only a few days and so easy to use that I have to say that I am
impressed and recommend this guy as someone well worth dealing with.
So if you have had a similar experience to mine, don't put Frank in the same category as he is an absolute gentleman."
- Robert Shields, Webmaster of Dreams2Reality.co.uk
Lowest costing Hypnotherapy Training on the Internet |
Leading online marketers and ordinary folk just like you are RAVING
about how this amazing software package can revolutionize your online
And with your unheard of $2,351.95 bonus package
this is the best value you'll ever find anywhere on the internet.
But it won't last.
Act now to be sure you're one of the next 20 people who claim this amazing offer...
Click Here NOW To Download Your
Complete Pro Software Scripts Bundle